Friday, 5 October 2012

Why people like two passports or two nationalities?
  1. Political instability in their country makes obtaining visas for travel difficult or impossible.
  2. Their assets are at risk of litigation.
  3. The tax burden in their home country is unnecessarily high.
  4. Their present passport may put them at risk from hijackers and terrorists while travelling.
  5. They are subject to punitive currency controls.
  6. Their freedom to work, invest and purchase property where they choose is restricted in any way by their current citizenship.
  7. Expansion of travel possibilities.
  8. Exercising the right to reside in another country.
  9. Opening offshore bank and other financial accounts.
  10. Easier crossing of international borders when a primary passport is lost or stolen.
  11. Second passport make life easier and help with asset protection, especially with high risk countries, it could save life and allow one to sleep better at night.

How to obtain a second passport or nationality?

  1. Through ancestors, for example, if your parents or grandparents emigrated from Europe, there are good chances you could qualify for a coveted European Union passport.
  2. Buying a fast track second passport. There are two countries on earth today where you can buy a passport completely legally provided you pass certain basic qualification such as not being a criminal. This way you can have a full ten year passport renewable without even living in the country. By having second passport one can take advantage from visa free travel to approximately 80 countries including Switzerland, Canada and most British Commonwealth member countries. Where visa is required, they are relatively easy to obtain. There are numerous advantages with this passport like tax free status on foreign income, capital gain tax, gifts, wealth and inheritance tax.
  3. Through naturalization. Some countries are much more liberal than others when it comes to allowing foreigners to qualify as citizens. There are still some countries where one can obtain citizenship with permanent residence of only two years.

My two current citizenships have already been immensely useful to me in my life. Those two passports are by far the most valuable physical possessions, I own or have ever owned.

People with substance and means often seek alternative citizenship, as a mean to enable them to protect their assets, income and to travel more freely throughout the world. If your freedom to work, invest or to purchase property where you choose is restricted by your current citizenship then you should be thinking about acquiring a second citizenship.

 Any one like to take further information on this service should contact Mr. Inam Ul Rauf Khan on Tel: 00923007532089 or through email, or visit his website.

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